"Bangladesh can add value to its branding in the global market embarking on some distinctive competencies paving the way for creating five strong revenue streams [manpower, RMG, jute, micro-credit and peace-keeping armed forces] for the country," or so says a report appearing in Financial Express.
However, we suggest that rather than revenue streams, Bangladesh offers a story of unique human success in a land often otherwise known for floods and other natural disasters.
Bangladesh is a nation where women lead, and where women are active in every field.
As reported earlier this year in the New York Times:
When it comes to the position of women, however, this country has made progress that would be unthinkable in many other Muslim societies.
Bangladeshi women have served in United Nations peacekeeping missions.
There are women ambassadors, doctors, engineers and pilots.
Two powerful women — the prime minister, Sheikh Hasina, and her rival, Khaleda Zia — have taken turns at the country's helm for years.
In one of nature's most difficult environments, what emerges may be a reputation-building strategy for a Bangladesh framed on how the nation looks to create opportunities for women, relies on their wisdom to lead, and the national benefits such a strategy creates.
In a world too often full of stories of the discounting of women among nations and institutions, such a counterintuitive strategy could serve as an authentic magnet for further opportunity.