To Protect The Asset Of Reputation, Olympics In Need Of A New Dream Team

Mar, 29 2016

The greatest group of athletes ever assembled into a team, in any sport, was a cultural phenomenon. 24 years after Barcelona, the 2016 Olympics needs a new Dream Team. Another 12-member roster of star performers. Not to compete in sport, but to save sport.  Saving the Olympic ideal of Olympism, in “building a better world through sport.” IN FOUR MONTHS This August, Rio de Janeiro will...

"Say Something So People Want to Hear..."

Oct, 05 2018

Jackson Maine, Bradley Cooper's character in A Star is Born, speaking to Lady Gaga's character Ally: "Look, talent comes everywhere, but having something to say and a way to say it so that people listen to it, that's a whole other bag. And unless you get out and you try to do it, you'll never know. That's just the...

Does Marketing Expertise on the Board Help Drive Business Growth?

Aug, 15 2019

Does executive-level marketing expertise on the board help drive enterprise growth? In a word: yes. Revenues of a business can be expected to increase by nearly 6% annually when at least one marketer is on the board. Yet, paradoxically only 2.6% of S&P 1500 boards include marketing and communications expertise. A marketer asks, “How do we grow by creating real,...

Robert Burns as Marketing Strategist

Sep, 05 2017

Robert Burns, a Scottish poet and lyricist of the 18th century, remains considered by many the national poet of Scotland. Today his work and literary influence are celebrated globally. This verse from the Burns poem, To A Louse, describes the value of qualitative research in drawing a bead on what is important, and what is not: O would some...


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